December 15, 2012
Custer County Search and Rescue was called out on Friday, December 14th, at 18:27 for an overdue person. The report was that the subject was going to cut a Christmas tree in the Hardscrabble area of Hwy 96. The subject had left his house earlier in the morning and when he hadn’t returned the family started the initial search by looking for his car. When the car was located later in the day the Custer County Sheriff’s office was notified. Search and Rescue sent out 14 members with two other members supporting at the CCSAR office. At 23:00 all team members were brought back to town and were going to return at first light on Saturday.
Saturday morning CCSAR dispatched twelve members at 06:00 to reinitiate the search. Seven members from Fremont County were also involved along with four air scent dogs from El Paso and Douglas counties along with their handlers. At daybreak a team from CCSAR spotted the subject deceased near a dirt road. At that time the Custer County deputies along with Custer County Coroner took control of the scene.