October 4, 2011
CCSAR captain was notified by the Sheriff’s Office at 15:15, 2 October, 2011, that a 76 year old female had broken her ankle and was on the Rainbow Trail at Venable Creek which is probably about 1/2 mile north of Alvardo campground. The captain determined that a small number of members should respond and called out two ATV members, two ground pounders, and two office personnel.
One ATV team member met the reporting party (subject’s son) at the campground and immediately left on his ATV to locate the subject. The subject was not where we were told but approximately another 2.5 miles north on the Rainbow Trail at South Taylor Creek. The ATV team member tended to her needs and got her on an ATV. Two ground pounders met them near the trailhead at Alvarado and the second ATV member stood by in case it was needed. The battery on the reporting party’s truck was dead and was jumped by CCSAR.