We are always looking for passionate and committed volunteers.
Do you have a passion for helping others and a dedication to learning new skills and training? We are looking for volunteers who are physically fit, attend general meetings, and are prepared and able to participate in missions year-round.
We are always looking for passionate and committed volunteers.
Do you have a passion for helping others and a dedication to learning new skills and training? We are looking for volunteers who are physically fit, attend general meetings, and are prepared and able to participate in missions year-round.
Come to our general meeting
Coming to a general meeting is a great way to get to know us. They are held at 6:30pm, the second Monday of each month (except December) at the SAR barn, 710 Rosita Ave, Westcliffe, CO 81252. Introduce yourself to one of our officers and find out more about us.

Key Personnel Areas
We are also always looking for a few key personnel in areas such as radios ( enhancing back country communications, programming and inventory), website optimization, emerging technologies, medical and rescue training coordinators, PSAR; and individuals to lead grant writing and fundraising activities.
Ideally, we are seeking full-time residents that are available throughout the year, however seasonal status for well qualified individuals may be an option.
There are no costs for membership, training or activities (though we will require reimbursement for training expenses incurred if a member resigns within 12 months after taking a training course for which CCSAR has covered the expense.)
Each member must provide their own personal field gear (pack, protective clothing, personal survival gear, etc). Team rescue gear and limited team clothing items are provided by CCSAR.
General Qualifications
Prospective members will complete a written Application, pass a background investigation conducted by the Sheriff and be interviewed by the Administrator and Captain. At the time of the interview, prospective members will gain knowledge regarding team Policies and Procedures and access to other online information to help orient them to the organization.
Upon acceptance of the application and a successful background investigation, the applicant will become a probationary member for a period of six months, and will be given the security code for the north door. To be considered an active member you must attend a minimum number of training activities and participate in a minimum percentage of missions during the year. You also must complete ICS 100 and NIMS 700; CPR and Wilderness First Aid or higher certifications, to become active members.

Special Teams: See the Leader of the team that you’re interested in joining.

Training and Participation: Training opportunities occur during general membership meetings as well as at other scheduled times. Members, (Prospective or Active) are expected to participate in a minimum of 75% of all training sessions. To be considered an active member you must also participate in a minimum of three initial missions and serve a minimum six month probationary period. You will also be required to complete ICS 100 and NIMS 700; CPR and Wilderness First Aid or higher certifications, which will be kept current. Certifications will be provided to the CCSAR Administrator and to the Office of Emergency Management.
Members are also expected to respond to missions when called upon; and not less than 50% of those call outs, for which a member is called upon. Scheduled community events or work projects also require a 50% participation rate to maintain membership in good standing.
By nature, SAR call outs may occur at any time, during nights or weekends; even holidays. Some require very early mornings and long days. Mutual Aid responses, as approved by the Sheriff, allow us to assist other county teams, outside Custer County.
For rescue assistance call 911
If calling from outside Custer County, and you need to report an overdue party or need other rescue assistance in Custer County call Dispatch at (719) 276-5555 Ext 8
For Non-Emergency Inquiries call the Custer County Sheriff’s Office at (719) 783-2270
For rescue assistance call 911
If calling from outside Custer County, and you need to report an overdue party or need other rescue assistance in Custer County call Dispatch at (719) 276-5555 Ext 8
For Non-Emergency Inquiries call the Custer County Sheriff’s Office at (719) 783-2270