August 11, 2014
The 41 year old Aurora man had left his summit pack and his climbing partner on Challenger, to go tag Kit Carson. He had been through several rounds of hail and bad weather with low visibility, becoming completely disoriented. (Patterson reported 2” of hail at his campsite).
Saguache County had didn’t know how far the disoriented hiker was actually traveling and poor weather prevented the use of a helicopter. They had no idea he was so far from the summit and had initially believed him to be cliffed out 400 feet from the summit. He had apparently dropped into the Spanish Creek drainage, missing Kit Carson Avenue , then re-ascending to the Bear’s Playground before eventually down-climbing cliff bands into the North Colony drainage, where travel was difficult through the brush. He walked into Patterson’s camp asking for assistance. He was very cold, wet, hungry and thirsty. It was determined that the subject who was clad in shorts and a T-shirt with a light shell, would walk out on his own and meet with a CCSAR team for the walkout. Patterson got him as warm and dry as he could, gave him hydration and nutrition and a headlamp, along with directions.
He later met up with a CCSAR team on the Rainbow Trail 2.5 miles north of South Colony Road. He was re-united with family in Westcliffe at 1:00 am.
The subject has also previously climbed Crestone Peak, Crestone Needle and Humboldt. He recognized Humboldt, but was still disoriented (and was anxious to get down). Accessing Kit Carson Peak is best done from the west. Bear’s Playground, however, is a South Colony approach.